3 GCC Cities Are Top 5 For World’s Highest Job Competitiveness

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving job market, the concept of job competitiveness became paramount. As companies seek to thrive in a globalized economy, they place great emphasis on acquiring the most skilled and talented workforce. Simultaneously, job seekers face intensified pressure to stand out amidst a pool of highly qualified candidates.

So, Resume.io conducted a study to discover what city holds the highest Job Competitiveness rank in the world. They calculated the average (mean) number of applicants that a job advert receives within one week of being posted on LinkedIn Jobs. Additionally, Resume.io considered ‘in-office’ or ‘hybrid working’ job adverts recently posted in any industry within 130 cities and every U.S. state.

Their study concluded that 3 GCC cities rank within the top 5 of the world’s highest job competitiveness!

Resume.io discovered that Doha, Dubai and Abu Dhabi rank within the top 5. Find the results of the top 10 below:

  1. Doha, Qatar
  2. Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  3. Istanbul, Turkey
  4. Johannesburg, South Africa
  5. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  6. Madrid, Spain
  7. San Jose, CA, United States
  8. Buenos Aires, Argentina
  9. San Fransisco, CA, United States
  10. Tel Aviv

For cities to appear in their final rankings, they needed to have included a minimum of 100 job postings available to apply for. These postings must have been posted no longer than 7 days before the data was retrieved.

Resume.io collected the data in February 2023.

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