Abu Dhabi Will No Longer Be Using Single-Use Plastics Starting June 2022


The Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD) announced on Wednesday that single-use plastic bags will be banned in Abu Dhabi starting in June 2022.

This new law is in line with the European Commission’s (EC) 2020 integrated single-use plastic strategy which aims to phase out single-use Styrofoam cups, plates, and containers by 2024

Along with the ban on single-use plastic bags, the EAD plans to take other steps to reduce demand for 16 other single-use plastic products, such as cups, stirrers, lids, and cutlery, as part of this endeavor.






According to EAD, this policy is developed to further limit the consumption of single-use plastics products in the emirate and therefore, promote a sustainable environment that puts a stop to climate changing factors.

With more than 90 countries currently banning single-use plastic bags, Dubai also announced earlier this year, that it will introduce a charge of 25 fils for single-use plastic bags from July 1st onwards, with the aim of banning these bags completely in the next two years

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