Turtle Rescue Missions Of A UAE Sheikh Show That ‘Seaspiracy’ Isn’t Far From Home

There are two topics in focus here. One is the newly released marine life documentary, ‘Seaspiracy’ and another is Sheikh Fahim Al Qasimi’s sea turtle rescue missions in the UAE. Putting these two topics side by side, it’s clear that the highly-overlooked reality conveyed through the documentary isn’t too far from home.

Seaspiracy, a 2021 documentary film about industrial fishing by and starring Ali Tabrizi depicts the cold reality of seafood consumption and its horrific impacts on whales, dolphins, slavery and the environment altogether.

You can adopt an ‘ignorance is bliss’ approach to this hard-hitting film, but the fact remains that at the pace at which we’re going, there will be no marine life left.

No marine life means no human life. Watch the documentary to learn how the ocean produces over half of the world’s oxygen and absorbs 50 times more carbon dioxide than our atmosphere.

Understanding the fact that humanity kills 5 MILLION fish every second really shows the extent of the damage already done. Seaspiracy reveals many horrors of the fishing industry, from whale hunting, bycatch and overfishing to industrial vessels and overconsumption.

People are ready to ditch straws to save the fish but won’t stop eating fish to save the fish.

The 1 and half-hour informative documentary sheds light on the impacts of plastic waste on marine life and expose how massive chunks of discarded fishing nets are a much BIGGER threat to marine life than plastic straws and packets.

Fishing nets cause 46% more and lasting damage to oceanic life because “Fishing nets are designed to kill” so why aren’t we talking about this?

Fishing nets causing damage to marine life isn’t a conspiracy, aren’t rumours, isn’t a tell-tale but a reality! As a Dubai Sheikh shares how he rescued multiple sea turtles from being trapped to the bottom of the seabed by nets!

Recently, Sheikh Fahim Al Qasimi took to his Twitter to share the story of Farah, a 20-year-old sea turtle that got trapped by a fishing wire and ended up losing her leg while struggling to break free.

7-metres down, the turtle was found in a dire condition where her neck and flipper were attached to the seabed, trapping her below the surface.

Clearly delivering the message of ‘Seaspiracy’ loud and clear.

Fishing lines, plastic… please try to not throw them in the sea. Little guys like this get mixed.

It’s a catastrophic battle for these sea creatures every second of every day. We invade their home and wipe them out to pamper our ego and ignore all consequences in the process.

We can blame commercial fisheries and argue that they destroy our ecosystems, but in reality, we fund those fisheries. The demand and over-consumption lead to the expansion of those industries in the first place.

This simultaneously results in whale hunting, shark hunting, extinction of sea turtles and dolphin control so that fish like tuna, salmon and etc. can be collected in abundance from the oceans (as the top-level sea preditors have been eliminated from the game altogether).

Choose to be informed over ignorance and contribute to a sustainable change…. Remember change starts with you!

ALSO READ: UAE Cloud-Seeding: A Shortcut Or A Remedy For Global Warming

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