OPINION: The UAE Leads By Example By Continuously Promoting Inclusivity And Tolerance


Second COVID-19 waves, political rallies, religious conflicts, natural disasters, explosions, terrorism, rocket debris, collapsing of architecture, floods and more are weakening countries all around the world, leaving people in a state of uncertainty and utter vulnerability. And at times like this, we yearn for leaders who we can look up to and take inspiration from, enter the exemplary leadership of the UAE.

Shielding you from the atrocities of the world, this gulf country has made itself a safe haven in a world where you’ll find conflict around every corner. Some even refer to the UAE as the Switzerland of the Middle East and that we can surely agree with.

The country has always led by example, especially when promoting tolerance and harmony

Being home to more than 200 nationalities, the UAE has never shied away from celebrating any culture or religion wholeheartedly

Be it, Eid, Diwali, Christmas, Hanukkahthe UAE has shown where there’s acceptance, there’s harmony.

Easy access to PCR tests, COVID-19 vaccines, doctors, results, treatment… Dubai has triumphed over the pandemic like nobody’s business

Where other South Asian and Western countries are battling a deadly second wave of COVID-19 with a lack of medical resources or vaccines, here the UAE has already hit vaccination rates of 100.10 per 100 residents… #flex.

As countries all over the world keep coming in and out of lockdowns, here Dubai is open for tourism, business, leisure, the whole shebang. Making residents feel safe through a deadly pandemic is one HUGE win for this country because even with the cases staying within a controllable 1-2k mark nationwide, the city never slacks with its COVID-precautions.

Inspections are still being carried out, strict rules and penalties are still in place for offenders, the city has shown its A-game during the ongoing pandemic, thus making us residents feel safer than ever to be residing in this secure snow globed city.

Safe for women, children, the elderly: no age group or gender is discriminated against in Dubai. All professionals thrive in their field, regardless of their age, gender, nationality or religion.

The inclusivity and tolerance promoted by the city just adds to the safety blanket of the city and pumps up that feeling of gratitude for living/working or studying in this city.

ALSO READ: Traffic Billboards In The UAE Display Solidarity With India

Listen To The Lovin Daily: Some UAE Airlines Have Halted Flights To Israel

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