Journalist Sarah Dudarawy Is Going On An Exciting Tour Around Jeddah’s Old Town


Journalist Sarah Dundarawy shared her exciting tour around the old town of Jeddah with her followers on Instagram and Snapchat.

Sarah shared many charming places like Jeddah’s suburbs, the old mosque, Nassif House (Bayt Nassif), and a breathtaking scene from the top of one of the buildings during prayer time.

The Azan From 36 Mosques In The Old Town Of Jeddah

Suburbs of Jeddah’s Old Town

The Old Mosque in Jeddah! It dates back to the time of the Caliph Omar Bin Al Khattab

The Mosque’s Minaret is 900 years old

One Of The Historical Buildings In Jeddah’s Old Town

Nassif House (Bayt Nassif), bought by the government and later turned into an office for the founder, King Abdulaziz – may God have mercy on him.

A gathering with BFFs in Jeddah- as posted by Sarah on Instagram




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