How To Prevent Empty Wallets Because Of Petrol Prices

In a span of 10 days Pakistan has seen petrol’s price increase by a whopping Rs.60, totaling the petrol price to Rs.209.86. As a result, the citizens have been losing it wondering if this is the welcome back celebratory activities for “Purana Pakistan”.

Please don’t add fuel to the fire- oh wait that’s expensive…

It is high time for you to become an owl.. Being a human being? In this economy? Don’t think so!

If you are worried, like any citizen of the country, that you might go broke, follow some of these precautions to save some cash for yourself. A lot of things happen in such situations whether it be people trying to reduce the amount the petrol you get or simply manipulating you to think you’re getting the petrol you paid for! As HORRIBLE as that sounds, there just may be a way to save yourselves!

1. Don’t give fixed money:

Fellow isoolites we think it’s high time we stop saying “hazaar ka dal dein” [fill (petrol) for Rs.1000] and instead ask them to keep filling till you tell them to stop. This way you will be able to see how much fuel was filled and help you figure out the total price yourself.

2. Keep eyes on the monitor:

If you want to prevent yourself from being ripped off NEVER lose sight of the monitor. Always check the monitor before they start fueling up to make sure they start from 0 liters. Check the monitor during and after the fill to confirm whether the total is the right amount or not. Not checking the monitor might be the biggest mistake and huge possibility that you may empty your wallet.

3. Visit the trusted petrol stations:

You might not believe this but there definitely are some petrol stations that can rip you off. These petrol stations will sell you low quality petrol and charge you high prices without you even knowing.

Unbelievable right?!

To save yourself from losing your bank balance make sure to visit those petrol stations that are regularly visited by general public. You might even want to ask your isloomates which petrol station they trust. You will be surprised to know their story of  being exploited by a certain station.


4. Using fuel cards:

Did you know that using certain credit cards, that are specifically made to pay for petrol, can help you get some cash back? Yup! You heard RIGHT!

A number of banks now offer credit cards to help you save money. Payment of fuel, using these cards, will allow you to get a certain percentage of cashback. These cards can offer up to 7% of cashback helping you to pay for the next tank filling through your cashbacks.

Some of these cards are; UBL PSO Auto Credit Card, SCB mastercard Titanium Credit Card, Bank Alfalah Ultra cashback card and HBL fuel saver credit card.

So why wait? Head to your trusted bank and get your fuel card asap!!!!

With all these precautions kept in mind it is better to prevent the loss of petrol in any way possible. Keep your vehicles maintained and regularly checked. Always turn off your vehicle when you’re stuck in traffic to save up petrol and your precious money.

Or, riding metro never goes wrong. Since we have already entered “purana Pakistan”, it is only fair to start using what its government produced.

No option seems worth it? It is never too late to invest in a bicycle..

If you want to read more about petrol and activities surrounding it, check out how there was a countrywide petrol strike!

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