The Awesome Looking Green Planet In City Walk Officially Opens This Thursday

Not too many days ago we told you about The Green Planet Dubai

It is
Dubai’s first indoor tropical forest where you can explore flora and
fauna and it will officially open its doors on 1 September at City Walk.

Tickets are priced at…

AED 95 for adults and AED 70 for children between the ages 2 to 12 years. It is open from 10am to 10pm on weekdays and 10am to midnight on weekends.

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Don’t be surprised at having butterflies rest on your arm…

There are over 3,000 plants and animals under one roof. How amazing is that?

There are four levels…

They can be explored via a spiral walkway around the giant tree. The top level is The Canopy which forms the roof of the rainforest and absorbs the sunlight. Next up is The Midstory where trees have large leaves. Then comes the Forest Floor which barely receives any light. It is humid and dark. And on the lowest level is the Flooded Rainforest which provides the perfect living conditions for all animals.

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