Expect Robots Not Lifeguards To Rescue People At Dubai Beaches Soon


is a land of ‘firsts’ so this doesn’t surprise us too much.

Dubai Municipality has launched 125cm tall robots to
help with rescue operations on the city’s beaches. This is something that has been
seen in the US but is new to the region. The remote-controlled robot
can swim at 12 times the speed of a human and can save as many as five
people at a time. Weighing just 11kg, they’re able to float effortlessly and
tolerate extreme weather conditions including high waves or heavy ocean
currents – a scenario that’s not very easy for human
lifeguards to work through.

If you’re curious about how these robots work? Recycled
batteries are the answer. The batteries charge in about 90 minutes and then the
robot is good to go. Around 30 rescue operations can be completed before it
needs to be charged again.

“The move is also in response to the Dubai government
directives to keep up with the latest technologies and innovations in this area
as well as to ensure that all the necessary requirements and precautions are in
place to enhance the rescue operations on the public beaches of Dubai,”
said Alya Al Harmoudi, Director of Environment Department at Dubai

So don’t be surprised seeing robots patrolling the
beaches the next time you’re there.

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