Pregnant Women Are Now Eligible For The COVID-19 Vaccine In Dubai

pregnant women vaccine

The national vaccine drive of the UAE is quite impressive on the global scale. Just recently, the booster shot was introduced and those aged 12 to 15 are eligible to take the vaccine too. The eligibility pool has now included pregnant women!

All DHA vaccination centres across Dubai can start to vaccinate pregnant women starting today. Pre-registering and booking an appointment through DHA app is required.

The DHA just announced that pregnant women in Dubai can receive the vaccine against COVID-19


Pregnant women with underlying health conditions should consult their doctor before they get the vaccine

Dr Muna Tahlak, CEO of Latifa Hospital for Women and Children, said DHA is continuously expanding their eligibility pool so that the majority of the population will be protected from the virus and lessen the spread. The vaccine will shield pregnant women from the risk of infection and as a result, protect the community. She stressed that the vaccination programme is a major step in combating COVID-19.

Dr. Tahlak stated that pregnant women can take the required doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. An important note she made is that these women, especially who have underlying health conditions should consult with a specialist doctor before they go for the jab.

The vaccine will be administered in two doses as normal and it’s recommended that they take the jab after the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.

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