Top Ten High Intensity Training Classes in Dubai


Is something hardcore missing from your workout? Do you want to add even more intensity to your training? You’ve come to the right place. If you’re the sort that loves destroying burpees before breakfast (well that’s just mental!) we’ve got a list of workouts that will blow your socks off. High Intensity Interval Training (HiiT) has been around for a while now but is showing no signs of easing off…in fact, it just seems to be getting harder. If you’re new to it: it’s short bursts of exercise done using using as much energy as you can, interspersed with short rest periods. Think: 20 seconds of sprints (or similar cardio) followed by 20 seconds of rest…and repeat.

Sound like something for you? Here’s the top ten places to get you gasping for breath…

10. Les Mills Sprint – Garhoud

If mountain climbers, burpees, star jumps and the like aren’t for you, then try this super high intensity spin class. With LOUD dance music, the sprint after sprint in the Les Mills Sprint class at the Aviation Club takes your heart from rest to burn repeatedly, and leaves your legs feeling like jelly…without a treadmill in sight.

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9. Sand Fire – Sport City

This circuit training class based at Powerhouse Gym allows you to go at your own pace for the set intervals but each stop on the circuit is a beast. Move from the rowing machine to sprints to burpees to squats to weights. Sand Fire will leave you fighting for breath!

8. Core Fit – Dubai Marina

It’s the signature class at Core Fit in the Marina but that doesn’t mean it’s any easier than their other classes…in fact it’s pretty mean! Think sprints on a spin bike, followed by burpees, followed by weighted stomach crunches, followed by squat jumps and you’re getting close. With pumping music in the background too – this will bring a whole new meaning to the term ‘heartbreak’.

7. Bounce Fit – Al Quoz

Think Bounce is all about messing around on a trampoline and having a laugh with your mates? Well, you’d be right…add that to a workout and you have a winning formula. Their Bounce Fit class will leave you exhausted…think all the mean things you have to do in a gym: press ups, high knees, squats and try doing them on a trampoline. This is fun but it is NOT easy!

6. Fit Boys Boxing – JLT

Ready to step your HiiT up a level? Why not ‘throw’ in some punching and do it boxing style. This Fit Boys boxing class is not for the faint hearted. Each class is 90 minutes (yep 90!) of pure hell. Think cardio in the form of burpees, mountain climbers and squats, followed by boxing drills and some ab destroyers to boot! Gloves at the ready! 

5. T.U.F.F – various locations (Fitness First)

The first of the Fitness First classes to be featured on this list, T.U.F.F (The Ultimate Fitness Firster) is filed under their ‘strength and conditioning’ section but it gets your heart going more than most HiiT classes. A mixture of repetitive bodyweight and barbell exercises will leave you gasping for breath. It’s available at most the Fitness First gyms but we particularly like Fiona at the IBN branch and Nathan at Media City putting us through our paces. 

4. Black – Downtown

If you like mixing things up, you’ll love Black, the Tag Heuer cross training class at Bare in Business Bay. One minute you’re on the spin bikes, the next you’re knocking out burpees and then barbell lifts. The sets, reps and sprints are relentless. Watch and hear the time slowly tick by on the giant Tag Heuer clock on the wall of the studio

3. BURN – Al Quoz

Cardio followed by suspension training followed by weights and then repeat…OVER AND OVER. It’s like someone has thought of all the hardcore exercises and stuck them into one workout called BURN. That someone is husband and wife fitness instructors Brian Cochrane and Linda Cochrane…who are often heard encouraging (yelling) you through one of the toughest workouts in Dubai. Pick from upper, lower of midsection days depending on which part of your body needs a shock to the system. Grab your first session for free at Warehouse Gym in Al Quoz.

2. RPM – Dubai Media City

This is the second class that Fitness First have in this list and also the second time instructors Linda and Brian make an appearance. This RPM class (grab the first one for free) is brilliant because the instructors are brilliant. There’s plenty of other spin classes in Dubai but what makes this standout is the energy and presence of Linda or Brian at the Media City branch of the gym chain. They will not let you slack as they take you from sprints to hills and back again…accompanied by a rock/dance mix of music. We’ve never been sweatier!

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1. Speedflex – Dubai Marina

It’s usually difficult to pick a number one when it comes to these lists, as Dubai is pretty good at providing a high standard and lots of variety, but with this one…Speedflex is our standout fave. Why? Because it’s not only a hardcore workout but it’s totally different to all the other classes out there. It’s a mixture of weighted exercises (using Speedflex machines) and cardio and ab movements in short 20 or 30 seconds bouts followed by 5 seconds of rest. You’re kitted out with a heart monitor at the start of each session and encouraged to push as hard as you can, following your progress on monitors around the room. The Speedflex machines work in a clever way which means the workout is high intensity but low impact…the best bit is there’s no soreness the next day! Classes with Jack or Kayleigh will leave you exhausted but wanting more! 

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