10 Of The Most Commonly Used Arabic Words Or Phrases You’ll Need In The UAE

10 Of The Most Commonly Used Arabic Words Or Phrases You’ll Need In The UAE

Whether you’ve just moved or have been living here for years, we conveniently have the privilege of being able to speak to anybody in English. However, there’s beauty in learning the language of the country one is in, as it adds to the camaraderie of the community.

Hence, this list.

If you ever wanted a good set of 10 words/phrases that’ll sort you out in those one or two moments where it’d come in handy – you’ve stumbled upon the right page.

Here are ten essential Arabic words/phrases that’s a good start to communicating with peers, colleagues and whomever else

1. Thank You – Shukran

After receiving a cup of tea when visiting any Arab’s home, going with the word ‘shukran’ is a lovely greeting to thanking somebody.


2. Welcome – Marhaba

Welcoming someone into your home, office or space with a ‘marhaba’ is a great way to greet people overall. Remember the Kim Kardashian viral tiktok where she says it? Something of sorts.


3. Left/Right – Yisar/Yimeen

When trying to tell somebody to go left, you tell them to go ‘hisar’; otherwise; they go right, which is ‘yimeen’.

Good to know in instances where directions are involved.


4. How much is this? – B kam hatha?

The most useful phrase ever.

Especially when traveling to other countries and purchasing goods from local vendors.


5.  Goodbye – Ma’asalama

Bye bye!


6. You’re welcome – Afwan

A response to thank you’s.


7. Good Morning – Sabah el khayr

Emphasis on the ‘KH’ in khayr and the ‘h’ in Sabah!

What a way to start yours and someone else’s day off on a good note?


8. Hi! – Salam

The perfect greeting when meeting anyone, male or female or when you walk into any room.

You’ll often see Arabs saying this when entering any establishment or room, politeness goes a long way and this is the magic word for it.


9. A lot/ very – Wayed

“How much fun are you having right now?”

The reply: “Wayed”

or if someone asks you how much there is of something left, you say ‘wayed’


10. Yes/No – Hae/La

In Emirati Arabic, they tend to say yes as ‘hae’ and no as ‘la.’



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