Heavier Fines As The Number Of ‘Reckless’ People Violating COVID-19 Guidelines Has Risen


COVID-19 in the UAE

Since marking the end of the National Sterilization Program, authorities have seen an increase in violators who are flouting the guidelines, mainly, not observing social distancing, not wearing masks and holding gatherings.

And so, fines have gone up.

At last night’s media briefing, people were reminded that the return to normal is not danger-free and that there is ‘serious concern that the violations from irresponsible individuals’ will undo ALL the success of the last few months.

Social distancing guidelines are still in place. You must wear a mask in public, avoid public and private gatherings and violators could face six months in prison and AED100,000 fines.

Gatherings in homes ARE still prohibited and family visits are limited to visiting first-degree relatives only

A reminder that face masks must still be worn

Repeat violators could face six months of jail time and fines of up to AED100,000

Here are the latest COVID-19 numbers in the UAE

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