Dubai Islamic Bank Is Inspiring Fitness During Dubai Fitness Challenge And You Can Join


In case you’ve been living under a rock, Dubai Fitness Challenge is going on and there are MANY reasons to get fit.

  1. Your health!
  2. Dream prizes!

Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB) has just announced a very cool collab with Fitze UAE – a fitness rewards app and one of the app partners of Dubai Fitness Challenge – and the main aim of the collab is to motivate you to embrace a healthy lifestyle.

Why? To motivate you! DIB wants to encourage residents to embrace a healthy lifestyle, while also bolstering the bank’s commitment to furthering the ambitions of the UAE’s leadership, to transform Dubai and the country at large, into one of the world’s most active nations. Let’s go!

Download the Fitze app now to get started

Take the virtual steps challenge, everyone is welcome! Simply walk to win rewards worth over half a million dirhams

Get active, and avoid burnout

Fitness, mental health and emotional wellbeing go hand-in-hand and should be an integral element in our day-to-day life. They are the main drivers for personal happiness as well as professional contentment. And digital tech, be it wearables or fitness apps, is increasingly delivering in-depth insights that help us improve our health. In today’s fast paced corporate world, increasing demands and workload result in lethargy and burnout. At DIB, we truly believe that higher levels of wellbeing achieve better business outcomes. To lead the way and build healthy habits, we have partnered with Fitze, one of the leading health and fitness platforms in the region to support the sixth edition of this government initiative. We are confident that our partnership with Fitze will encourage UAE residents to adopt healthier lifestyles.

 Rafia AlAbbar, SVP – Head of Human Resources at DIB

International trips, luxury staycations, skydives, iPhones, flight tickets, experiences, electronics, and much more

You name it, you can win it!

There are daily and weekly prizes and taking part is as simple as downloading the free Fitze app to take part in the Fitze 30X30 Steps Challenge, powered by Dubai Islamic Bank. The Dubai Fitness Challenge is going from now until November 27 – it only takes 30!

The aim?

To walk 8k steps each day for 30 days of the Dubai Fitness Challenge. You MUST complete the step challenges to enter!


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The important bits

RUN! The Fitze app is available to download on Apple AppStore, Google Playstore and HUAWEI AppGallery.

Get all the download links right here

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