Dubai Responds To CNN: The Unique Plan In Place To Keep The City Open


With Dubai proving itself as an ideal tourism destination, people from all over the world flocked here over the holidays, and the eyes of the world are on Dubai’s decision to remain open.

Now, Dubai has responded, clearly outlining the decision-making process it took to reopen.

Helal Saeed Al Marri, Director-General of the Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing told CNN, ‘Dubai has a clear plan to deal with Covid-19’. There was no blanket decision. Authorities followed each industry closely and takes decisions to remain open/shut depending on how compliant the industry is.

“If we don’t see compliance… sector by sector, we see where we need to tighten and where we need to lift restrictions”

“We approached it with a very measured fashion, it’s our philosophy to keep open, to keep everyone safe, and make sure the compliance happens in a very incredible way”


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