A Cat Got Stuck In The Cockpit Of A Tel Aviv To Dubai Flight For Two Weeks

cat plane

1 cat. 14 days. 264+ hours. 15,840 minutes. No food. No water. Sounds like a lost cause but no, the trapped cat officially survives the 14-day long isolation after getting rescued.

Melodrama aside, a cat was found trapped inside the cockpit of a Boeing 737-900ER (4X-EHB) Dubai bound flight for 14 entire days.

Shared via Ido Wachtel, the picture shows a cat chilling by the cockpit of a flight in docked in Tel Aviv.

Introverts as cats be like…

Clearly, even animals have missed catching flights as much as we have during the pandemic

All jokes aside, Aeronews have confirmed that the cat has been released in their recent update from an hour ago😅…. all’s well that ends well

Motto for life: Catch flights not humans

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