A Massive UAE Pavilion Open For Public Tours Has Just Been Launched At Expo 2017 Astana


The UAE pavilion at Expo 2017 Astana was officially inaugurated today by Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman of Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, Chairman of Emirates Group, and Chairman of the Higher Committee of Expo 2020 Dubai in the presence of government officials. 

The UAE Pavilion is over 980 sq.m in space and has the capacity to hold up to 7,000 visitors per day. Guests will have a virtual guide to direct them through the facility, tours will take approximately 20 minutes overall and the site is located the Expo 2017 Astana in Kazakhstan.

What’s the purpose of the building?

Astana will give visitors an insight into the culture and lifestyle of the UAE, the countries openness to the world and the UAE’s incredible research and progressive development into the future of renewable energy.

Visitors will learn about the past, present and future of the UAE’s energy and sustainability sector, with emphasis on the sustainability legacy of the UAE through innovation and advanced technology.

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“The UAE’s participation in Expo 2017 Astana holds great significance for the UAE as it paves the way to the hosting of Expo 2020 Dubai. As the first expo to be held in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia, the 2020 event is not only a source of pride for all Emiratis and expats, but a testament to the country’s achievements and its ambitious future aspirations.”

Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum

Astana will also promote Dubai’s hosting of Expo 2020

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