6 Things Only Arabs Raised By Conservative Parents Will Understand


Arab parents are one-of-a-kind.

No matter where you are in the world, Arab parents change for NO ONE and over-protective and extreme parenting has a wholeeeee other definition.

And nothing brought this home quite like Ramy, the US drama that’s currently killing it with both Arab and Western audiences.

The story follows Ramy, a first-generation Muslim Egyptian-American living in New Jersey who struggles living in a community he feels is divided by people with strong religious beliefs and those who are less governed by a moral code.

After a hugely successful (and Golden Globe-winning!) season 1, season 2 is finallllly here. Its regional release is exclusively on OSN, (at the very same time as the US!)  and I urge you to mark out some time to watch it.

In true Ramy style: 6 Things Only Arabs Raised By Conservative Parents Will Understand

Main image: Image from Ramy Season 2 available on OSN Streaming


6. Moral debates: You’ll constantly battle with yourself over what’s right and what’s wrong


5. You know asking a girl out actually means getting her dad involved in the dating process too


4. Dating doesn’t exist. People in the Arab world go from zero-to-engaged realllll quick


3. When you want to get married, you need to get EVERYONE’s opinion; your family, your distant family, the local barber… the list goes on


2. Arab parents will never consider a start-up or anything that’s not a profession as a ‘real job’


1. You rip your hair out because you know girls get curfews, but boys NEVER do

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There’s a little bit of Ramy in all of us. The series is an honest account of a Muslim growing up in a Western world.  Season 1 is available to watch exclusively in the region on OSN Streaming, and season 2 (the hype for season 2 is REAL people!) is out now and each new episode gets released at the same time as the US.  Buzzing!

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