Here’s A Solution To Soothing Your Dry Eyes


Google might help you figure out why your tummy hurts, why you have acid reflux, or why your eyes are dry. But does it give you the exact solution to your problems? We’ve put together some reasons and solutions to why your eyes feel strained and what you can do to help soothe them!

Speaking of dry eyes, it’s a condition in which your eyes don’t have enough quality tears for lubrication. And in order to have clear vision, your eyes have to be well lubricated and nourished.

Dry eyes are no fun so before we get into solutions, let’s figure out why you might be having dry eyes.

Here are 4 reasons why you might be having dry eyes

4. Binge-watching Squid Games… or any show for that matter!

Watching shows, using your lappy for movies, work, projects, studies, you just can’t avoid screen time these days!

It’s like everyone in every field of work uses a computer! This unfortunately can cause eyestrain and tension headaches, in addition to dry eyes.

The science behind it is that when you stare at a monitor, you blink less, hence your tears evaporate quicker.

Tip: Every 30 mins take a computer break, adjust your eyes, and having a blinking party!

3. Lasik surgery

We all know someone who is near-sighted or far-sighted and need to wear glasses. Laser vision correction surgery gets rid of glasses and allows the patient to see clearly without them. It is common to experience dry eyes post Lasik surgery.

2. Allergies… thanks to the weather, the dust… the sand!

Allergies can be controlled with regular use of medication but nonetheless, they can create irritation for your eyes. They can turn red and get itchy. Did you know that red and itchy eyes are one of the symptoms of dry eyes.

1. Wearing contact lenses practically 365 days a year…

If you’re not a fan of wearing glasses then you’re definitely an avid user of contact lenses. They’re safe, non-invasive, comfortable but their long-term use may cause chronic dry eyes.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms there’s no need to suffer in silence. Consult your eye care professional who will be able to recommend solutions to help you get the relief you need.

For more information, visit

References: 1. Anthony J. Bron, et. al., TFOS DEWS II pathophysiology report The Ocular Surface (2017), Fiona Stapleton,, TFOS DEWS II Epidemiology Report, The Ocular Surface (2017), 2021
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