7 Hilarious Ways UAE Residents Have Tried To Give Their Cleaners Access To Their Homes

Most of us in Dubai are completely dependent on cleaning services for bringing some order into our live.

And Justmop is this amazing app (available on both iOS or Android) and website that lets you pick the exact kind of cleaning services you need with the click of a few buttons.

Justmop also allows people to give instructions on how the cleaner will be let in the house.


But you know how there can be too much of a good thing…people are having way too much fun with that option

Justmop has revealed some of the funniest requests they’ve ever received – here are the seven craziest ones:

1.  The one who let the dogs out will let you guys in

2. The apartment has a front and a back door. Please go to the back door which is accessible through the device lobby

Well, that doesn’t sound too bad, does it?

That was just the first half…

“Through the device lobby, you will find a red fire extinguisher box and the key is placed inside below the hoes. That key is for back door, please don’t try to call me. Use the key and open back door. Or just try the front door as it is usually open.”

3. Like a boss ????

Oh come on, people.

4.Through the door itself

Easy there, captain obvious.

5. We have one key and I’ll leave it under the mat. Please tell the helper if she forgets the key inside, the real question will be who will let me in

Sounds like something that has happened before?

6. Like a gentleman, I’ll open the door myself for the cleaning lady

And you say chivalry is dead?

7. Well, I was left locked outside yesterday. So I’ll let you know when I figure it all out

Why is… why is getting locked out such a recurring theme in the lives of people in Dubai.

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