A Thief Kidnaps A Newborn Baby In Jeddah And The Whole Ordeal Is Like Something Straight Out Of A Movie


What happened was exactly like a movie sequence. We are not kidding.

According to the Saudi Gazette, the incident goes something like this as narrated by the uncle of the newborn girl.

A baby girl was born in a private hospital on a Thursday morning in the Al Nahda neighbourhood in Jeddah. Her parents decided to name her Noor (light).

Noor was born in good health and had a paper attached to her clothes that mentioned the family’s phone number. At 10 pm in the night, a woman who was dressed as a nurse takes the baby from the mother saying that she was taking her to the doctor for an “examination.”

The baby was not seen again as the woman dressed in nurse’s garb ran away with the baby and left her cradle in the corridor.

The parents call the police who start a search operation for the missing baby.

CCTV footage showed that the kidnapper entered the hospital in different clothes to the nurse’s garb that Noor’s parents saw her in.

News breaks out on social media soon after with many praying for the baby’s return to her parents.

For some unknown reasons almost 48 hours later the kidnapper puts the baby in a car in front of the hospital and Noor was reunited with her parents.

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