Sudan Is Actively Seeking To Boost Tourism

sudan map

With tons of fantastic tourist attractions that have yet been explored by the world, it is no surprise that Sudan is now actively working to rebrand and boost tourism within the country.

Just recently, Dr Babiker Mohammed, the Minister of Tourism in Sudan mentioned, “We have a strategic plan for 5 years in which we will work to develop all our tourist destinations to the highest of standards with really good facilities.”



Rich History Of Civilisations Remain Unexplored In Sudan

Amongst the various attractions, Sudan is the site of Meroë which is the ancient capital of the Kushite Kingdom – there lies hundreds of Nubian pyramids from which have recently seen an increased number of visitors! This is a direct reflection of more recognition and appreciation to the region’s potential and wonderful treasures.

In June 2011, the Archeological Sites of Meroë was listed by UNESCO as an official World Heritage Sites.

Good Things Take Time

Minister of Tourism, Dr Babiker mentions how hard they have been working to promote Sudan at international fairs and pushing to boost the country for it’s beautiful landscapes, “But if we look carefully at Sudan, it is more than one million square miles and the tourist destinations are thousands of kilometres away from the place of conflict.”


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