Saudi Brands Have Come Forward In Support Of Breast Cancer Showing A Positive Contribution To The Community


It’s October, the month of pink, the month of women and the month of dedication in support of breast cancer awareness.

This month has redefined itself in an entirely different way ever since the joint global efforts on tackling breast cancer began.

You may have noticed that many international brands have been integrating the month of October as support towards the annual Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

But what I found more amazing this year is the implementation of such support extended by local Saudi brands.

More and more Saudi companies are breaking out of the norm and using their platforms for serious causes

Although it’s worth mentioning that this isn’t the first time a local brand has helped its community, it’s still admirable to see that a corporation like Saudia (for example) that goes out of its way to send a message.

Albeit a simple message yet it is one that could do more and would benefit more people.

It’s our social responsibility as a community to keep talking, discussing and sharing

With brands, you usually notice that when they share a philanthropic or community-related message on their social media platforms, it often comes with a promotional advertisement. This two-in-one philanthopic sentiment, however, tends to create less impact or worse- gets overlooked.

So it’s amazing to see a Saudi-owned airline promoting naught but the raising of awareness and advising women to get their early check-ups done.

Fortunately, a couple of local brands have truly understood this…

We’re seeing more and more social media content from Saudi brands who are sharing the vital message behind the month of October.

Another example of this is the local-owned FARM Superstores, completely unrelated to anything women’s health, and how they went out of their way to tweet a reminder about the importance of an early check-up.

And the real truth is: people resonate with realness

People resonate with realness, even more so during a digital age wherein consumers are tainted with unreasonable amounts of ads everyday.

Social media is more than just a marketing tool and there’s no reason why more brands shouldn’t push for a stronger individual platform.


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