We Have ANOTHER Long Weekend To Look Forward To Next Week


Silly season is well and truly upon us.

Even though most of us are still in recovery mode from what was one truly epic long weekend. Whether you were celebrating National Day or out at the Sevens Stadium partying like no other, it’s safe to say Dubai went crazy this weekend.

And now time for rest, right? Wrong. Not if we’ve got ANOTHER long weekend to look forward to that is.

December 12th is Prophet Mohammad’s Birthday

This  birthday of Prophet Mohammed is celebrated on the 12th day of Rabi Al Awwal, and the holiday is known as Eid Al Mawlid an Nabawi. December 12th is next Monday however, so there’s a big chance the day will be moved to Sunday and employees will have another long weekend. Winning!

Need help making some festive plans?

Here are the best Christmas dinners on offer in Dubai

Here are the best New Year’s Eve parties in town

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