Uber Is Celebrating Its Third Birthday With Free Cupcakes And The Chance To Win UberChopper Rides

In summer Uber was in the news for delivering ice-creams on jet skis.

They’re back with another delivery, but this time it is cupcakes. Why? Because Uber is turning T.H.R.E.E.

To thank all its riders, Uber will be delivering delicious cupcakes (courtesy magnolia Bakery) on Wednesday this week. Wait…that’s not it! Three people also get the chance to ride the UberCHOPPER.

This is what you need to do…

Request ‘UberCUPCAKES’ on the app on 21 September between 11am and 2pm.

If an Uber is available, four cupcakes will be delivered to you along with an Uber mug.

The exciting part: when you receive the mug, write down your top Uber destination in the past three years on the mug and post it on social with the tag @uber_uae and #UberEverywhere and you could be one of three touring Dubai in a helicopter.

(Word of advice: they’re expecting demand to be pretty high, so if you are unable to request for your cupcakes, give the app a few minutes and try again #trytillyousucceed)

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