The UAE Is Switching Off The Lights For Earth Hour On Saturday March 27

earth hour

There’s something calming about sitting in the dark but did we mention that it’s also beneficial for the environment? UAE residents are invited to participate in Earth Hour on Saturday, March 27. It’s been a huge success in the past and this year will hopefully be no different.

Earth Hour is when people of the community are encouraged to turn off the lights and switch off non-essential electrical appliances for one hour from 8:30 pm local time.

Earth Hour is aimed to help raise awareness on the environmental issues our planet is facing but also bring the community together

You might think that it’s such a simple task that it can’t possibly create a drastic difference in the environment

Earth Hour is one of the biggest movements for the environment. Because it’s a huge and popular movement, influential individuals shed light, pun intended, on nature loss and climate change. While the task of switching off the lights for an hour is simple, it will help generations to come, according to Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA).

This year, you can do your part from home with the Earth Hour Live party

Tune in to Facebook live or connect with friend over at Instagram or YouTube live streams to participate in the local events.

UAE residents, you can also join in on the virtual Let’s Speak Up For Nature talk, where businesses and government entities will discuss sustainability options for you. This virtual talk will be on Wednesday at 4:30 pm.

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