5 Things We Learnt About Dubai From Sheikh Mohammed’s Open Letter


Yesterday, Sheikh Mohammed took to LinkedIn to share a letter to the residents of Dubai – and the rest of the world. The letter detailed exactly how far the city has come in the past ten years and, since His Highness’ ruling, how huge the improvements have been. 

Here is basically what we learnt from the letter.

1. The Economy of the UAE has doubled in the past 10 years

Our economy has doubled in the past ten years, from a GDP of 663 billion dirhams to 1,360 billion dirhams, an improvement which has provided jobs and underpinned considerable economic and commercial opportunities for the citizens and residents of our country.” – Sheikh Mohammed

Not only that, but dependency on oil has also dropped, therefore the growing economy has allowed the UAE to be less affected by the marco-economic impact of a low price of oil in the past 18 months. 

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2. Our education system has sky-rocketed

The number of accredited programs in UAE universities has grown from 206 to 862. The rate of kindergarten enrolment has grown to 93%, making UAE among the highest globally. The rate of high school graduation has also reached 93%, which also makes us among the highest globally as well.” – Sheikh Mohammed

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3. Our healthcare system has improved – massively

Our expenditure on the health sector has increased from 1.18 billion dirhams when I first assumed office to over 3.82 billion currently. The number of doctors has increased from ten to over seventeen thousand.” – Sheikh Mohammed

4. Sheikh Mohammed truly is a man of his word

We have promised our people to accomplish what is best and we shall fulfil our promise.” – Sheikh Mohammed

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5. With the best interest of the city close to his heart

I will lead this effort and the teams behind it personally. We ask God to guide us to what is best for our country and nation.

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Just one more…

He really is the most awesome guy ever, right?

“With my parents in New York during the sixties .. in the Empire State Building’s tallest skyscraper globally .. and the beginning of a dream turned to reality in Dubai”

Read Sheikh Mohammed’s full open letter here.

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