A 14-Year-Old Dubai Girl Sings A Song For Peace And It’s Just Too Beautiful


While many at the age of 14 are confused about life (you can’t blame them, they’re on the cusp of adulthood) and tend to be moody, rebellious and stubborn, this Dubai girl seems pretty sorted.

Siya Arora has written and sung a song called Slow Down World. The nearly 3-minute long track with a black-and-white music video is also the only video from the UAE that has made it to the MasterPeace (a non-profit peace movement) global music festival. 

A little message from her…

“I’m absolutely disappointed and disheartened with all that’s happening now around the world, but I believe that we can still make things right. If you think the same help me spread this message by sharing this video and let’s make the world a better place.”

You can vote for the video here.

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