WATCH: This Google Timelapse Of Dubai’s Evolution Since 1984 Is Astounding


Dubai has come a long way in such a short span of time.

That’s a fact that all Dubai locals and residents know, partly because some of us got to bear witness.

An astounding video shows just how MUCH development has taken up the vast, desert land that is this Emirate in only 20+ years!

Dubai is the desert dream- that blossomed beautifully since 1984

Look at that MASSIVE change.

If you ever doubted what this Emirate could accomplish, the joke is on you!

The road-map to the future:

Video footage from the ’80s shows how driving in Dubai was, its sceneries and buildings, very different from what we see today.

…but both equally as beautiful.

Dubai TODAY:

The multi-cultural city of Dubai, today, is home to a myriad of cultures and is known for its modern architecture, futuristic tech advancements, the luxe life, Burj Khalifa, and SO much more.

Never gets old…


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