HRH Princess Haya Has Shared A Touching Tribute To The Victims Of The Manchester Bombing


HRH Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein has shared a heartfelt message to her Instagram, offering her condolences to the victims of the Manchester bombing earlier this morning. 

The death toll has reached 22 in the horrific explosion, which injured many more at Manchester Arena during an Ariana Grande concert

HRH Princess Haya shared the words on her account, with a lit candle, sending her thoughts and prayers to the victims, and all of the UK. 

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خالص العزاء والمواساة لكل من فقد عزيز لديه في تفجير مانشستر الآثم، كما نُعبِّر عن تضامننا مع العائلات التي لا تزال تترقب أخبار عن أبنائهم الذين نرجو ان يكونوا جميعاً سالمين، مع صعوبة تصوّر مدى فداحة الحادث وما شابهه من اعتداءات آثمة، ومقدار الحزن والأسى الذي يُلِمّ بذوي كل من تطالهم بسوء.  أود كذلك أن أُعرب عن خالص عزائي ومواساتي لجلالة الملكة إليزابيث الثانية، والشعب البريطاني الصديق في هذا المصاب الجَلل جرّاء الاعتداء الغاشم في مانشستر، ولكل من تضرر من مثل تلك الاعتداءات الغادرة حول العالم. My thoughts and prayers are with the families that have lost loved ones and with the parents that are waiting to hear if their children are safe in Manchester, today. I cannot even begin to imagine how horrific this and so many other similar acts have been, or how utterly desperate and desolate they must feel at this time. My sincere condolences to HM Queen Elizabeth II and the British people for the lost souls and young victims of the horrendous attack in Manchester. Prayers for everyone who has suffered from acts of senseless and evil violence around the world.

A post shared by Haya Bint Al Hussein (@hrhprincesshaya) on

IS has reportedly claimed responsibility for the attack on the concert, which killed several children. 

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