13 Tweets That Prove The Jubilee Games Happening In Dubai Are In Full Swing At The Moment


sports are a good thing and even better when they bring communities together.

Community in mention: the Ismaili Muslims.

The Ismaili Muslims have come together to celebrate
excellence in sport with the Jubilee Games. Taking place in Dubai this
year, the event kicked off on 22 July and runs until 29 July.
It has drawn athletes, volunteers and several thousand spectators from
around the world to the city. In addition to individual and team sports, it
also features cultural programmes and exhibitions that community members
can look forward to.

Here’s what people have to say about the event so

1. Musicians Salim and Sulaiman have pleased all with their performance of the Jubilee Games anthem

2. A strong message from Prince Rahim

3. The beauty of the event

4. People are loving the unity

5. Lots happening with team Uganda

6. Quite an impactful opening

7. Pakistanis join in with 174 players at the Jubilee Games

8. This community member wishes to be in Dubai right now

9. Some are suffering serious FOMO

10. A message to all Canadians from Justin Trudeau

11. Strengthening bonds

12. Oops!

13. Large number of participants from India too

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