10 Arabic Words That Sound So Beautiful…They’re Like Music To Our Ears

Poetic, powerful and poignant, the Arabic language will always be close to our hearts.

To be fair, Arabic just doesn’t sound like poetry, in some ways it really is. 

To prove our point, here’s a list of 10 beautiful Arabic words that will have you fall in love with the language, we swear!

1. Ya Amar (يا قمر)

Meaning: “My moon” or “My most beautiful”
A beautiful way to express your love…

2. Firdaus (فردوس)

Meaning: Paradise

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3. Al naaem (النعيم)

Meaning: Bliss

4. Ishq (عشق)

Meaning: A never ending love

5. Amal (أمل‎)

Meaning: Hope, expectation, aspiration

6. Noor (نور‎)

Meaning: Light; radiant; One who lights up the universe

7. Ya Rouhi (يا روحي‎)

Meaning: You’re my soul

8. Sadeeq (صَدِيق)

Meaning: A friend; someone who’s truthful

9. Saha (صحة)

Meaning: ‘Bless you’ or health in general

10. Intisar (انتصار)

Meaning: Triumphant

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