#FlyingWhileMuslim Is An Actual Thing On Twitter And Some Of These Tweets Will Gut You


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’d know about the countless stories of discrimination many Muslim passengers have faced at airports across the globe. 

The cases of racial profiling at airports is rampant, every so often a Muslim is removed from a flight because the person posed an imaginary threat to the passengers and extensive security checks by TSA is an everyday thing. 

In simple words, people are targeted because they appear ‘Muslim’ and the normal behaviour by these passengers is seen as suspicious. 

Muslims around the world have been documenting these cases on Twitter under the hashtag ‘Flying While Muslim’ and the reality of it is quite grim. 

1. Extra aggressive checks by TSA happens more often than you can imagine

2. It happens again…

3 And again….

4. When even using the word ‘blowing’ on a flight causes anxiety

5. When even your phone apps might just land you in trouble

6. Including your social media apps

7. Reach airport way before time because of the never-ending scans

8. Detained for reading a book…

9. You’ve to be VERY careful of the words you use on a flight

10. When you have to show your passport even for a domestic flight

11. And when your reservation gets “accidentally” cancelled

12. Texting is also a dangerous territory


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