Government Employees Definitely Did NOT Expect This To Happen At Work Today


We know how hard Sunday mornings can be! 

But some have it harder than the rest of us. People in mention: the government employees.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum paid a surprise visit to government offices this morning. The empty desks indicated officials were absent on the first day of the week. It definitely wasn’t a good day to call in sick.

The purpose of his visit was…

Mona Al-Marri, director general of the government of Dubai’s media office, told Bloomberg, “He certainly wanted to send a message. Timeliness starts at the top and we won’t go after employees when their bosses aren’t there.’’

The departments included Dubai Municipality, Department of Land and Property and Department of Economic Development

Khalifa Saeed who heads government protocol shared this Instagram video stating directors and senior officials were not present in the offices.

He inspected the workflow at Dubai Airport too…

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