Khalaf Al Habtoor’s Plea For Whatsapp Calls To Be Unblocked Was Bang On The Money And Has Had A HUGE Response


When the founding chairman of Al Habtoor Group, Khalaf Al Habtoor spoke out on Twitter about Whatsapp calling features, it captivated many.

A high-profile businessman, imploring the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) to give residents back the ability to dial loved once on VOIP services made headlines.

And he’s right.

The UAE leads the charge internationally, through so many fields

From flying taxis and transportation, to its pursuit of happiness and becoming a Smart City, to construction, the country is a pioneer and icon to many other nations in the world.

But then there’s our calling systems… which are a daily struggle. Businesses can’t speak to people in other countries via Skype (some struggle to believe).

Far from the pinnacle of tech, residents – indeed expatriates living away from home – struggle to video call their families in their home countries, without whooper fees.

In one of the world’s safest, smartest, happiest countries – it’s high time the comms arm caught up with every other great initiative.

And let’s be honest – the blocking of Skype probably didn’t help up margins for BOTIM, C’Me and alternatives – if anything, VPN subscriptions probably just increased

It’s worth noting however, the businesses like Skype that are blocked have failed to adhere to TRA’s licencing laws – so it’s not wholly the TRA that is responsible for the block.

However, Habtoor’s video got a huge response, with hundreds voicing support to his message.

So it would be fab if the UAE’s telecoms could match every other arm of the country in its achievement

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