Summer Is Over, Dubai Has Got Its Mojo Back


What goes up must come down…

No doubt about it, it’s been a tough year for Dubai so far. The price of a barrel of oil hasn’t yet recovered, while gold has risen by 25% this year, indicating conservative investment behavior. The economic stability of the region has been questionable and tense global situations have had a knock on effect on the UAE.

Economic growth is down, by approximately 0.5%. In simple terms, this suggests that the combined population of Dubai is producing less – less services and products –  which in turn, means people are making less money.

There was understandably, an air of uncertainty and when schools broke up for summer, many feared that families would simply up sticks and move without a word, meaning fewer pupils returning in September.

The summer months were made tougher by soaring temperatures and record levels of humidity. Ramadan moved into the hottest months making it a challenge for observers and changing Dubai’s food scene for those who didn’t, but still needed a break from the relentless heat. Dubai’s famous food industry couldn’t avoid the hit and many businesses are relying on a end of year peak to make up for the slower months.

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Photo from @MJinNYC on @BeautifulDestinations

It hasn’t all been doom and gloom though!

There are reasons to be hopeful and if you hang in there and stick with this city, there is a good chance you will progress along with it.

Despite the struggles, Dubai has persevered with its definitive progressive spirit. After all, both our city and economy seem to thrive on good vibes. Even our Minister of Happiness has herself, highlighted the effects of optimism on progress. It’s evident with the display of vigour with which Dubai’s economy has continued to move full steam ahead. Project after project is announced, launched and celebrated and nowhere was this clearer than with the opening of the Dubai Opera and IMG Worlds. Both will undoubtedly play a huge role in Dubai’s ever-evolving story.

Dubai’s Sheikh Mohammed shunned a prolonged and relaxing summer vaycay instead, opting to remain hard at work unlike many other political leaders. And he still managed to fit in trips to the races! He also set an expectation for government employees and reiterated their need to serve the people of Dubai rather than getting complacent in positions of authority.

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Image: Dubai Media Office

We also enjoyed a few feel good months for the UAE in both the Paralympics and the Olympics in Brazil. Dubai Summer Surprises bought the city to life for the little ones, and the big kids, with dozens of shows and activities that kept them engaged and excited. Along with more amazing deals and offers than ever before, Dubai had something for everyone every day!

With the stunning and community-building Eid celebrations now behind us, there seems to be a collective ‘Dubai is Back’ spirit about the place. The traffic alone seems to prove that this city shows no signs of slowing down (quite literally!) and that Dubai residents are still very much here.

Looking forward…

As we leave the summer behind, there is a helluva lot to look forward to. Events return with DXB Beach, The Abu Dhabi F1, Sensation making a comeback, to name a few! 

Performers like James Morrison and Elton John are to grace the Dubai Opera and Dubai’s nightlife will be buzzing for the movers and shakers as the big clubs open again. 

Those who just want to chill can look forward to the opening of Dubai Parks and Resorts and sports enthusiasts have a whole host of activities to participate in like triathlons, swims, and runs galore! Not forgetting the annual Rugby Sevens and the Dubai Golf Championships. 

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Image: Dubai Parks & Resorts

With so many events and activities, we’ll all be able to enjoy the true spirit of Dubai again! The grass is always greener though and soon enough we might even wish for some peace and quiet… Maybe not!

2016 has been a challenging year for Dubai all round thus far. True, what goes up must come down, BUT Dubai’s fighting spirit means it never stays down for too long. We still have over three months left and it’s now the perfect time to make the most of it. Do more, get out in the evenings and weekends, go to that new place that’s just opened you read about on Lovin Dubai, do it! You won’t regret it. 

Give it your best shot, Lovin Dubai will be there every step of the way

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Image: Dubai Opera

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