A Dubai Girl Is Walking 98 KM This Month And It Is For A Brilliant Reason


Most often our fear isn’t the disease itself. It tends to be the diagnosis.

We generally live with the thought or belief that ‘it won’t happen to me’ and that’s where we go wrong. Of course, nobody wants to suffer nor do they want their close ones to BUT the only way we can prevent that situation from arising is a timely check. 

And with October dedicated to breast cancer awareness, Aseel AlFar, account manager at an IT Advisory and research company, is urging women in Dubai to take an appointment for cancer screening. Her method is pretty unique.

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She’s started the #98KmsForOctober

During this month, she and her partner will walk 98km for the cause. For those who are wondering why not 100km and why this particular figure…the reason is straightforward.

98% is the survival rate when people are diagnosed early

The walk is not only a tribute to women who fought and survived cancer but also sends out a pretty clear message to every other woman: ‘Be wise, be brave…check’.

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She will walk through different areas of Dubai…

Her goal is approximately 3.5km per day, and so far she’s covered Dubai Marina, JBR, JLT and Mall of the Emirates.

She isn’t on a mission to get others to join her…

She isn’t campaigning for residents to join her as that would require permission from authorities, but she is hoping her walk through areas such as Boxpark, City Walk, Jumeirah, and Zabeel Park in the coming days will convey her message to women and encourage them to get a screening.

Three cheers for her great spirit!

Read: Dubai will be walking for a cause next month and you can join in too.

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