This Guy Winning A Year’s Supply Of Fuel Is Our Happy Story Of The Day


Petrol is hardly pricey in the UAE but we still can’t think of anyone who would say no to a year’s supply….Which is exactly what this guy is getting.

Dubai based Mitch WIlliams has just won 6 million litres of fuel…that’s 100,000 full tanks to be precise.

That calls for the ultimate road trip if you ask us

We love this video taken when he got the win…

And our particular favourite answer:

Do you have any favourite brand??….”Hummingbird Cafe” Us too Mitch…us too.!

Mitch won this mega prize via the Beam app

You’ve probably noticed Beam app promotions at counters when you’re paying for stuff. The Beam app is cashless and cardless. Pay for petrol (gone are those days for Mitch), coffee, groceries or anything at all without using cash, it’s all done through an app. See the Beam website for more info.

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