6 Incredible Throwback Images Of Old Dubai Show How Much Simpler Times Were

6 Incredible Throwback Images Of Old Dubai Show How Much Simpler Times Were
We all already know how far Dubai has come in terms of its infrastructures, sky-high towers and never-ending loop of futuristic developments.
But there was once a time when the city was quaint and simplistic, beautiful still, in its appeal.
If you’re ready to hop on a time machine and look back at just how old Dubai looked, now’s your chance.

Get in our Lovin time machine, scroll down and enjoy!

Image Credits: Instagram @shazilmerchant

1. How Sabkha Junction looked back in the ’80s

2. Deira Hotel – so vintage!

3. The history in this one picture alone –

4. The street where Al Sabkha Khader hotel street was located in 1983

5. Al Nasser Square in the ’60s

6. 1979 – Old Dubai in its glory

Hope you enjoyed that! How ’bout listening to The Lovin Dubai podcast next?

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