The UAE Sends A Second Batch Of Aid Worth AED5.1 Million To Lebanon


Under the directives of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, AED5.1 Million worth of medical supplies and personal protective equipment including surgical masks, goggles, gowns, stretchers and more have been sent to Lebanon.

This follows last week’s horrific explosion which took over 200 lives, injured thousands and left 300,000 people homeless. This is the second time in one week the UAE has delivered aid to Lebanon. Read more here.

Emergency relief efforts have been sent via Emirates Cargo to Lebanon

The aid is based on needs identified by medical staff in Lebanon

Within the cargo are the medical supplies that are critically needed to treat those impacted by the blast and to protect healthcare workers treating patients during the pandemic, according to a rep for the World Health Organisation which maintains a hub in Dubai and is working in conjunction with the UAE to deliver the aid.

People in Dubai want to help too

Do you want to donate? Check out Emirates Red Crescent, who are currently assessing ‘the number of orphans, families of the deceased and victims, and define their priorities for support and assistance at this stage, and then develop future programs that would take into account their needs and requirements for health, education and life aspects in general’.

You can donate to Emirates Red Crescent to help Beirut here.

READ: Here’s How Dubai Residents Can Help Lebanon Today

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