“A Free Meal Is Not Going To Pay Your Rent” DXB Hun Shares BTS Blogging Secrets


She’s giving E-N-ERY-GYYYYYY!

Introducing… DXB Hun AKA Coral Stevens. Coral started her career in Dubai as a teacher 5 years ago and this week she joined The Lovin Dubai show to share how she kickstarted her blogging career: Taking the ultimate plunge, leaving teaching behind and jumping head first into blogging.

Coral shared the origins of ‘DXB Hun’, the true value of the blogging industry, and how she couldn’t have done it all without her ‘day 1 huns!’

“That video you did for us, we were fully booked for the next two months”

“I hate the word ‘influencer’, I don’t see myself as an influencer,” We asked Coral the low-down on her favorite Dubai spots. Looking for inspo’? Save this list!

Skip to 16.40 for Coral’s top tips.

Follow DXB-Hun for DXB ‘inspo!

ALSO READ: The ULTIMATE List For Road Trip Spots In The UAE

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