Jews and Arabs Are United In the UAE As Thoughts Are With The Mount Meron Tragedy In Israel

arabs jews mount george

Footage showing an iftar and Lag Baomer celebrations between Arabs and Jews have circulated Twitter on Thursday showing the unified commemoration held at Dubai’s Grand Hyatt Hotel. 

The video shows the unity between the two and the solidarity being shared over the tragedy that took place in Mount Mernon. 

Image and Video Credits: Twitter @ Yechiel Gurfein

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A similar event was held by Sharaka– which combined a Suhoor and Lag Ba’omer together with people from many cultures

The tragedy in Israel has resulted in the deaths of 45 people

Tragic sights of a stampede that took place in Mount Meron, wherein 45 people (at the time this was written) have died and 150 were hurt at a mass stampede during the traditional Lag B’Omer celebration. 

Reports say that the death toll is expected to rise. Sunday is expected to be a national day of mourning in Israel. 

Some speculate that the Burj Khalifa will light up in the Israeli flag tomorrow

Global leaders and civilians send their prayers and thoughts with the families of those lost their lives

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