McGettigan’s JLT Is Slashing Its Drinks Right Back To The 2010 Prices!


You’ve celebrated your birthdays there, your mates have celebrated their birthday there, now it’s time to celebrate McGettigan’s birthday!

That’s right… your favourite Irish bar is turning 9, and because it wouldn’t be like them to celebrate quietly, they’re taking the birthday mood to a wholllleeeeee other level with Street Food Bunches, five days of food and drinks offers, and some pretty tasty prizes.

So, bring only yourself and a willingness to enjoy a serious amount of pure Irish craic!

McGettigan’s JLT is turning 9 and the drink prices are getting slashed


Prepare to swing from the rafters, with drinks on Thursday from AED19

Yes, friends, after-work drinks are CALLING YOUR NAME.

Just AED19 for drinks, AED90 for bottles of grape and AED90 for pitchers of cocktails, this treat yo’self Thursday deals runs from 12pm till 9pm.

And if you’re feeling peckish, tuck into the specially made birthday platter, perfect for sharing, it comes complete with all the classic McGett’s dishes in one. Deeeeelish.

And there’ll also be birthday pressies for nine lucky guests on the night… YESS!

At 9pm, JLT prices are going back to 2010 prices… Eh, What?!

McGett’s JLT first opened its doors in 2010, Dubai was a different city then and let’s just say the prices have not stayed the same.

And so, to celebrate nine years in business, from 9pm on Thursday, and all the way through the long weekend until closing early Tuesday morning, drinks prices will be what you would have paid wayyyy back in 2010… You have been warned!

McGettigan’s JLT is throwing Street Food Brunches all the way through the long weekend

The long weekend is looming (as if you didn’t already know) and to celebrate FIVE beautiful days without work, McGettigan’s JLT is throwing birthday brunches on Friday, Saturday AND Sunday from 12pm-5pm each day for JUST AED201.0. (2010, geddit?!)

And this is no regular McGettigan’s brunch; think street food style, with nine live food stations all with an international theme… Chicken tikka from India, flatbreads from Italy, and of courseeeee, the drinks will flow freely all afternoon.

All for AED201.0.. I REPEAT AED201.0!

Drunch packages are available from 5-8pm, for AED199.

When? Friday, 29, Saturday, 30 and Sunday, 1

Plus, lucky brunchers will win a holiday for two to one of the nine street food destinations!

This is the after-party that needs no introduction

Your long weekend Monday cure comes in the form of the SOS Late Breakfast

No doubt the long weekend will take its toll, whether you’re in the capital for the F1, or street food brunching in McGettigan’s, either way, there’s NOTHING a proper Irish fry won’t cure… And McGett’s JLT has the best in town.

The SOS Late Breakfast runs from 12pm till 5pm and you can get whatever brekkie you like, plus three drinks. (Just the right amount to set you right… AMIRITE?!)

And the information you probably don’t need to hear? The 2010 drinks prices will continue until the early hours!

The important bits

For brunch bookings, email:

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