The Price Hike On Onions Might End Very Soon

Anika Eliz Baby

The hike in the price of onions might be coming to an end very soon.

India is the largest exporter of onions to the UAE. The ban on onion exports have impacted the UAE market. It is coming to focus now with residents increasingly concerned about the price of onions during Ramadan.

In December 2023, India placed an export ban on onions, leading to a price hike in onions in the UAE…but the ban is set to end soon on March 31

Meaning prices could be seeing a decrease very soon.

Earlier, residents could purchase onions for AED 1 or AED 2 per kg, but now prices have gone up to AED 5+ per kg

They ban was in place to ensure the availability of onion to domestic consumers at affordable prices.

Fortunately for the UAE and India’s bestie relations!

On March 4 India allowed an export of 64,400 tonnes of onions to the UAE to help cater to increased demand. The export was exclusively done to India’s “friendly” nations.

Stay tuned…things should get better soon

Just in time for Eid, Insha’Allah.

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