UAE Condemns The Burning Of The Holy Quran By An Extremist In Sweden

Anika Eliz Baby

The UAE has strongly condemned the burning of a copy of the holy Quran in front of the Republic of Türkiye Embassy in Sweden, by an extremist.

The incident took place on Saturday, January 21 outside the Türkiye Embassy, where Rasmus Paludan, the leader of the Danish right-wing party Hard Line burned the Holy Text as a form of protest against Türkiye’s opposition to Sweden joining the NATO alliance

Paludan, who also has Swedish citizenship, has held a number of demonstrations in the past where he has burned the Holy Quran.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFAIC) affirmed the UAE’s rejection of all practices aimed at destabilizing security and stability in contravention of human and moral values and principles

The ministry renewed its enduring call to renounce hate speech and violence and underscored the need to respect religious symbols and avoid inciting hatred by insulting religions. Furthermore, the ministry reiterated the need to spread the values of tolerance and coexistence.

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