Verified: A Group Really Did Spend AED 1.27 Million At A RestoClub!


So you think money can’t buy happiness? Habibi, come to Dubai!

Since we published a story on our Instagram we’ve received several messages in disbelief- We get it. This is why we are now confirming:

A group of 14 people really did spend AED 1.27 Million at a particular restaurant where Dubai Bling Star Farhana Bodi was celebrating her birthday

Yup, one table just out-bling’d Dubai Bling…and here’s how we know it:


Images of the receipt were sent over by the club

We received the receipt from the management, along with a statement from Dolce Legends Club, as below:

Yes, as you know we hosted Farhana’s birthday and a lot of Dubai bling stars were present. Towards the end of Farhanas birthday we had guests visit and a particular table started spending a lot on Champagne & rounds of drinks.Unfortunately I would not be able to disclose exact guest information but…. a table was particularly doing so.

While 14 people were ordering away, at the next table, celebs like DJ Bliss, Danya, Ebraheem and Loujain Adada were celebrating Farhana’s birthday too.

The one thing we cannot verify in this story is- which table had more fun? 


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