You’ll Want One Of These Small Yet Handsome Festive Cuppies After Every Meal!

Santa might have naughty or nice lists, but this bite-size cupppie brand sure does NOT.
LilleBite has accepted you for who you are with ZERO judgements whatsoever, and if that means accepting you for being the sugarholic that you are… then so be it.
Made with a carefully picked selection of gluten-free, vegan and sugarfree options, these cupcakes are 10001% fit for the health-conscious with their 50 calories per bite sweet USP.
Fresh from the oven to your house, LilleBite’s SLEIGHING X’Mas bites will have your tastebuds carolling for more all day long!
This SAA-WEET cupcake spot has heaps of flavours and box sizes available for delivery, making these the perf gift, party favours, or simple ‘pick-me-ups’ when you’re craving something special this festive season
And again, don’t even stressss on the calories! Because their mini cuppies that are bursting with flavour are only 50 cals per bite! So cheat day or not, these moist delights will do you no wrong.
Order online or get all the jolly good OG flavours at the Mall of the Emirates Christmas Kiosk AND if you’re prepping for a partaay then remember LilleBite also offers discounts on bulk & corporate orders.