Miss Universe Catriona Gray Has Returned To The Philippines And Her Official Homecoming Parade Was EVERYTHING


Not just Filipinos, but people around the world fell in love and cheered for Catriona Gray when she was crowned Miss Universe last December.

And now the 25-year-old beauty queen has returned to her native Philippines only to receive the most spectacular welcome victory parade ever!

She had been dying to go back to the Philippines

A parade fit for a queen!

Catriona’s float was inspired from her red and glittering lava gown, which she wore at the finals

Hundreds of people gathered just to catch a glimpse of the reigning Miss Universe

What a triumphant homecoming!

Dubai residents are incredibly proud of her

“It brings me so much pride and honour to be able to bring so much joy to my country of the Philippines. It has always been about giving back to the community and the country as a whole,” she told the reporters.


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