Clear your evening plans…It’s all about 360˚ on Thursdays


We all love a view here in Dubai and the sight of the Burj Al Arab lit up in the evenings is the one that takes first prize for me. Lucky then, that me and a few mates were invited along to review the new ‘180’ evening at Jumeirah’s 360, it didn’t just mean bottomless delicious food and drink for our mouths…but a view that our eyes could gorge on too.

The new ‘180’ concept is something that this beautiful bar setting has been crying out for. Everyone has the place down as ‘the posh place you take your mates when they visit’ or the ‘quick drink with Mum before I take her for dinner’. What this Thursday night, evening brunch of sorts, gives you is the total opposite. It’s the ‘get merry, dance to great music, without spending a total fortune’ offering that will strike a chord with everyone who lives in Dubai…whether they have people visiting or not.

On arrival, we were taken to some comfy white sofas on the terrace, about halfway around the circular setting and then handed the menu for the night.

“We bring out all the food on platters but if you want more we can top up”.

Music to my ears…because the pan asian food they specialise in is my weakness. I’m a well-behaved eater and I love the gym…but if you want to see me break, put a platter filled with sushi and dim sum in front of me. You’ll be lucky to remember what was on the plate, I’ll shovel it down so quick. 

So, what was on this menu that made me go weak at the knees? 

Here goes:

Nigiri and Maki Selection 
Vegetable Dumpling 
Chicken Satay
Peaking Duck pancake 
Vegetable Spring roll 
Seafood fish cake 
Beef Short rib 

And this is what it looked like when they brought it out:

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The food came out in two batches, the sushi and dim sum as a starter selection and then everything else in the second lot of platters. Not only is the food excellent, way better than you would expect from a brunch but the portions were more than generous! There was no way we were going to have to ask for the kindly promised ‘top-up’.

The sushi is fresh and delicious and the dim sum is soft and melt-in-the-mouth succulent. We ate so much of it that we had hardly left room for the second lot of platters…but we battled on through! 

And we were repaid for our efforts, the duck pancakes and fishcakes were an explosion of taste, everything just tasted so good! We tried to find a least-favourite but it was just too hard to be mean about anything, we were having too much of a good time!

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And the reason we were having such a good time? The good food of course, but the cocktails included in the package weren’t all bad either (make sure to order the Berry Cocktail). The food was well washed down with the beverages that come in the package which include the option of two delicious cocktails as well as house beverages. This combined with the excellent music on offer, there’s no way you can have a bad night here. Kick off your Thursday evening with the 180 brunch and then stay to dance away the night. That’s what we did…and what we plan on doing most Thursdays from now on!

The details:

Where: 360, Jumeirah Beach Hotel 
The Offer: AED 295 on unlimited selected beverages, sushi, dimsum and bar snacks from 7pm to 10pm
When: Thursday 
Timing: 7pm to 2am 
Contact: 055 500 8518 or

Now read: 13 of Dubai’s best evening brunches

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