7 Reasons Sudan Needs To Be On Your 2018 Travel Bucketlist

Sudan, also known as North Sudan, is a country located in Northern Africa and is third largest in Africa right now.

With The White Nile and The River Nile flowing through the country, Sudan has been one of the place that have been completely overlooked yet deserves attention for not only its natural beauty, but as well as its history.

From being the Kingdom of Nubia, Sudan proclaimed their independence from the British on January 1 of 1956.

 Given its location within Africa, it comes as no surprise how beautiful the country is – so here are seven reasons to help encourage you to put Sudan on your bucket list. 

1. Sudan actually has more pyramids than Egypt 

Sometimes forgotten due to its having a smaller tourism sector than other countries, Sudan actually has more pyramids than Egypt with more than half of them still standing today in an area now known as Meroë. 

What was home to three Kushite kingdoms, almost 255 pyramids were built to serve as tombs for the kings and queens of Meroë dating back to 300BC.

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2. It is where the White and Blue Nile meet

Just in the north of its capital, Khartoum, the White Nile meets the Blue Nile merge together and this is referred to as Al Mugran.

3. The National Museum of Sudan is the greatest of them all

Built in 1955, and established as a museum in 1971, The National Museum of Sudan is known for having the largest and most comprehensive Nubian archaeological collection in the world and is located in the Al-Mugran area near where the two Nile rivers meet.

4. The culture is absolutely fascinating 

With a population exceeding 30 million, Sudan has an estimated 597 groups all over the country that speak 400 different languages and dialects, each with their own cultures and backgrounds. 

Melding all the different ethnic groups, the culture in Sudan has been brought together by all the tribes, to create one that is not only unique, but without a doubt, different and absolutely beautiful.

5. Port Sudan is a hidden gem

Located in eastern Sudan, Port Sudan is a port city and the capital of the state of the Red Sea with just 500,000 residents. 

Being Sudan’s main port city located in the Red Sea and surrounded by fresh water from the Red Sea Hills, this tiny city contains so many beautiful sceneries that you’ll never get enough of.

And the sea life is absolute breathtaking.

6. Hospitality and generosity is embedded in every single Sudanese human you will meet.

One thing about Sudanese people that you will immediately realise, is that they’re one of the most generous people you’ll ever come across in your life. 

Whether they know you or not, not a single individual in the city of Khartoum will deny you a conversation – no matter who you are. 

Evenings are filled with laughter, good company, and a great time – even if you barely know the people you’re surrounded by.

7. There’s practically every ecosystem

Sudan is one of the very few countries that has not only deserts, but forests, beaches and rivers as well. 

There’s something for everyone in Sudan!

What’re you waiting for? The flights via Emirates are super affordable as well!

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