COVID-19: Dubai Health Officials Remind Residents This Is Not A Time To Panic

Health officials all over Dubai are urging residents not to panic over the spread of coronavirus.

Even though schools, nurseries and some events have been put to a halt for a short period of time, medical professionals and the Dubai Health Authority are reminding people that all is being done to limit the spread of the virus and that residents need not worry.

Teams at Dubai Airports and all health facilities in the UAE are present 24/7 and know what to do

Don’t panic, just protect yourself by following these tips:

  • Wash your hands at all costs (as per the graphic above), it’s best to stay washing your hands and hold a sanitizer on you when in public places. Wash for 20 seconds.
  • Avoid kissing, hugging or holding hands with a person showing COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Use a tissue for coughs, or cough into your elbow
  • Avoid touching your face
  • Face masks should be worn by those with symptoms to reduce the spread of germs through coughing and sneezing

The current number of COVID-19 cases has come up to 94,251 globally (as of March 5)

However; the number of those affected with COVID-19 have a higher number of recovered cases, as opposed to deaths.

Source: Source:

To report suspected cases before a hospital visit (in the UAE):

Call the DHA call centre on 800 342, the Department of Health Estijaba service on 8001717 or the Ministry of Health and Prevention on 80011111.

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